Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time Project

One of our photo projects were to show time. Well, I made it a little hard for myself. During this project in class I was dealing with family illness. I then had a death in the family and it was so hard because we knew it was coming. The death was on my mom's side, and well my dad's side is from the south and he grew up with different views than my mom's family. Dad's side took pictures of their deceased love ones and because family is so important to me I wanted to take pictures at the funeral. So here they are, they were used for this project to show different times in not only mourning, but the love of a family.

I love this picture, these are all of his brothers and three sons carrying him out of the funeral home. I love how the chemicals from developing made it look like a spirit coming out of the casket. Looking back to this day I now remember as we were waiting for them to walk him out, and all of a sudden this huge gust of wind comes. Of course all of us just trying to get a smile say that it is his spirit running through us heading up to heaven. This picture truly shows that. 

His two daughters, I felt so bad for them. Yes, we all lost an important person in our lives but they lost their father, a father they have few memories of. I love these girls dearly, and I absolutely hated to see the devastation in their eyes when seeing their father being carried away.
 An observation of the burial service.
 I wanted to show that family is always there for each other. I feel that this photo is so strong because you can't see a face, so you can put yourself in the image.
 This is only half of my family, they all walked over to my grandpa's grave and as they were all remembering old times with family I got this picture. Again, the chemicals or something went wrong with the developing processes and you can see the streaks in the clouds. I like to look at this picture and imagine it as my grandpa and his son reuniting in heaven and looking over their family.
Our love and dearest sympathies go out to this family. They lost a husband, a father, and a best friend. This picture was taken after the funeral at our luncheon. We can still see the hurt in the family, only if you look at the two girls you can tell that they may know what happened but they are so strong and they are going to get through this with their family.

God Bless to those who have lost any one close to them.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Staged Project

Here is another project we did in my Black and White class. This project is all staged, I took my friend to a gas station, a bus stop, and a laundry mat while she was dressed up in a prom dress. I did this because its uncommon to see someone in a dress at these places. We were getting different comical views as we were doing the photo-shoot and someone even asked her to prom.
This is her outside the gas station smoking a cigarette. 

She was thirsty so she had to buy a drink, yes we went inside. The clerks even thought it was funny!

Here is the bus stop image, I really like this photo because I had to use a long exposure time since it was dark out and when I took the picture a car happened to be driving by.

At the bus stop again.

I told her when there aren't any cars coming go out to the middle of the street and twirl around. She thought I was crazy but ended up having a lot of fun!

Then we go into the laundry mat, the lady at the desk when asked if it was okay responded with 'Yea, we have never had a photo-shoot done in here before thats cool.' This is where we picked up our friend John, who you see standing in the mirror of the game. 

And here is the last picture of them at the laundry mat, we had so much fun doing this project but it was still a challenge. My friend has a lot of energy and loves the camera so it was a challenge for me to get her to do what I wanted her to do. Overall the pictures came out great and I am really wanting to do more of these and make a series.

Chance Project

Photos below are all of my chance project. There are different techniques you use in photography, and so many things you can experiment with! These photos were taken of a bond fire my family had. I used a very slow shutter speed, it was about 30 seconds long.
This first picture is of the embers.
This is a long exposure of the fire.
Another long exposure of the fire as it is being stirred up.
Again another long exposure with the movement of being stirred up.
This one is of the moon (top left corner) and the fire.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

1 Image 5 Filters

In black and white photography a great deal of the work is done in the darkroom. 1 image, 5 filters was one of our first assignments for my Basic Black and White Photography class. 

As you can tell through the photo the different filters change the contrast of the picture. So they lower the filter the lower the contrast which makes your print look "muddy" and they higher the filter the higher the contrast which makes the black and whites pop.

Burning and Dodging

Burning and Dodging Assignment. This is one technique used in the darkroom and it is very time consuming but very fun to see your results. Burning is when you give a selected part of your image more time to burn in more light to make that selected part darker. Dodging is used if a part of your image is to dark and you need to use less time for that selection.
 The sky is just a little too dark in this image.

Good sky but the church is just a little muddy, to pop out the church I put in a higher filter.
This one is my favorite because it has a high contrast on the church yet you can still see a sky.

This was the mistake of burning the sky in for too long.

Pictured above was the original picture as you can see there is no sky showing so I had to burn in the sky which you will see in the other four images at the top.